The trip will involve an exchange with Haarlemmermeerlyceum in Amsterdam, REC will host a class of Dutch students in March and send Danish students during the P3 profil subject.
This trip aims to create long lasting connections between students from EU member countries. The wider aim is to create a European network focused on the importance of working together in the face of present and upcoming social/environmental issues effecting all countries. We would like to help students understand the importance of the decisions they make and also the consequences that they entail. We hope to broaden perspectives and open up future possibilities for all participants.
Classes will focus on what it means to be responsible, not only for one’s self but also with a wider perspective on how to build a brighter and more sustainable future. We will look into changes that can be made both personally and as a whole to improve the lives of others and our own.
Programme in the Netherlands
Day 1. Welcome
Day 2. Amsterdam
Day 3. Zuiderzeemuseum Enkhuizen
Day 4. Day in Haarlem
Day 5. Day of departure
Vilkår: Alle elever er forsikret ifht. farlig sport op til 500.000,- kr. ved skader, som ikke er dækket
af skolens erhvervsforsikring. Se også skolens sikkerhedsinstrukser for kajak/vand aktivitet. Det må forventes, at der vil være behov for godt udstyr: Rygsæk, støvler, skaljakke, sovepose mv. Du er meget velkommen til selv at medbringe mountainbike.
Egenbetaling: ???